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Woman with backpack reading the arrivals board at an airplane
leungchopan | Adobe Stock

What Type of Flyer Are You?


There are only eight types of flyers on a plane. Which one of these are you, and which one is your least favorite type to sit next to? 

The One With the Blank Stare

Drawn GIF of a set of eyes with swirls in the pupils

This person didn’t pack any entertainment and is just staring straight ahead the entire flight. Are they keeping the plane aloft with the power of their mind? Are they an air marshal? Are they sleeping with their eyes open? It’s an in-flight mystery that will never be solved.

The Snorer

Drawn GIF of a sleepy cloud and three Z's

Passed out before takeoff, the snorer sleeps as soundly as if they were cuddled up in their own bed at home. The rest of the row won’t be as lucky, as the loud snores will keep them up for the entire flight. 

The Barfly

Drawn GIF of two wine glasses clinking together

The flight could be at 6am or 6pm―it’s doesn’t change The Barfly’s drink order (whiskey with a beer back and keep the tab open). Depending on the person, The Barfly can go one of two ways and turn into The Snorer or go viral for an in-flight altercation when they get cut off. 

The Pill-Popper

Drawn GIF of a pill bottle rotating side to side

It’s a long flight, and The Pill-Popper doesn’t want to be conscious for any of it. A sleeping pill (or something a little bit stronger) will keep them occupied in dreamland from takeoff until landing. Don’t wake them for meal service, and you better hope that they aren’t in the aisle seat in your row, otherwise, you’ll be climbing over them if you need to get up. 

The Workaholic

Drawn GIF of typing on a computer

Generally found in business class, The Workaholic will turn their tray table into a desk for the duration of the flight. What do they do? No one knows, but it involves a lot of spreadsheets. 

The Snacker

Drawn GIF of a cookie being eaten

We don’t know what kind of magical carry-on The Snacker has, but it can hold an entire buffet. The Snacker certainly won’t leave the plane hungry, as they pull out a seemingly endless supply of meals and snacks. Don’t be surprised if a six-foot sub appears out of their bag. Possibly the worst person to sit next to if you get airsick. 

The Space Stealer

Drawn GIF of an airplane seat being raised and lowered

Seat fully reclined for the entire flight, arm engulfing the entire armrest, legs sprawled out into the seat next to them. The Space Stealer wants every centimeter of space that they paid for (plus some of yours). 

The Talker

GIF of two speech bubbles bouncing gently up and down

Headphones, earplugs, and social cues do not deter The Talker from making small talk with anyone in earshot. If you engage, be prepared to chat for the entire flight, as there’s rarely a chance for escape.

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